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//! ### Color syntax
//! The attributes that have colors as values can use the following syntax:
//! #### Static colors
//! - `red`
//! - `blue`
//! - `green`
//! - `yellow`
//! - `black` (default for `color` attribute)
//! - `gray`
//! - `white` (default for `background` attribute)
//! - `orange`
//! - `transparent`
//! #### rgb() / hsl() / Hex
//! - With RGB: `rgb(150, 60, 20)`
//! - With RGB and alpha: `rgb(150, 60, 20, 0.7)`
//! - You can also use 0-255 for the alpha: `rgb(150, 60, 20, 70)`
//! - With HSL: `hsl(28deg, 80%, 50%)`
//! - With HSL and alpha: `hsl(28deg, 80%, 50%, 25%)`
//! - With Hex: `#E93323`
//! #### Gradients
//! Syntax is `<type>-gradient(<angle>, ...[<color> <offset>],)`
//! And supported types are `linear`/`radial`/`conic`
//! Examples:
//! - Linear: `linear-gradient(250deg, orange 15%, rgb(255, 0, 0) 50%, rgb(255, 192, 203) 80%)`
//! - Radial: `radial-gradient(orange 15%, rgb(255, 0, 0) 50%, rgb(255, 192, 203) 80%)`
//! - Conic: `conic-gradient(250deg, orange 15%, rgb(255, 0, 0) 50%, rgb(255, 192, 203) 80%)`
//! #### SVG
//! For the `svg` element you can also use:
//! - `current_color`: Use the inherited color from the `color` attribute.