Module freya_elements::elements::image
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element let’s you show an image.
For dynamic Images you may use dynamic_bytes
static RUST_LOGO: &[u8] = include_bytes!("./rust_logo.png");
fn app() -> Element {
let image_data = static_bytes(RUST_LOGO);
image {
width: "100%", // You must specify size otherwhise it will default to 0
height: "100%",
controls how animage
element is rendered when facing unexpected dimensions.cache_key
lets you specify an unique identifier for the given image. This will help Freya cache the image decoding, if the cache_key changes the old cache will be pruned and the image (changed or not) will be decoded again.cache_key
is optinal but its recommended to be used, specialy for high quality images. You can pass any value that can be transformed into a string. Like a URL.cover
controls how animage
element position is rendered inside the given dimensions.- Specify the width for the given element.
- Specify the margin of an element. You can do so by four different ways, just like in CSS.
- Specify a maximum height for the given element.
- Specify a maximum width for the given element.
- This can be useful if you use it alongside a percentage for the target size.
- Specify a minimum height for the given element. This can be useful if you use it alongside a percentage for the target size.
- Specify the opacity for this element.
- Specify how you want the element to be positioned inside it’s parent area.
- Specify the rotation for this element.
controls how animage
element is resized when scaling from its original size to smaller or larger sizes.- Specify the height for the given element.